IJOEM is a peer reviewed journal, indexed or in the process of being indexed, in an ever growing pool of databases such as EBSCO, CABELL’s library, DOAJ, ULRICH web, ProQuest, Jour Info, Index Copernicus International, Gale and Journalseek.net etc. IJOEM is published quarterly and aimed at everyone concerned with scarce resources, regardless of faculty, field or industry. Thus, the journal covers the phenomenon of scarce resources in the broadest sense, including everything from physics, chemistry, biology, and evolution, to behaviour and business. The journal has a broad scope, as experience shows how many of the most prominent insights and much of the most fruitful research stems from the grey area between fields, where different logics meet and interact. Read more...  




Why you should submit your paper to IJOEM


Our editorial team is dedicated to providing feedback in the shortest time possible. The feedback provied is clear with focus on what is needed for the paper to be deemed suitable for publication. Short response time and professional but constructive feedback is our hallmark. Read more...


Apply to become a permanent member of IJOEM Editorial team


Published by Admin, March 2017
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To stay on the cutting edge, IJOEM is constantly seeking to add resources to the editorial team. Applicants must have at least a doctoral degree. In addition, each member should contribute with a publication in the journal once every second year. Read more...


2018 best paper and outstanding contributon award

Published by Award jury, Mars 2018

The yearly Best Paper Award and the yearly Outstanding Contribution Award will be published on December 18th, 2018. Nominations can be made by contacting the administration department in your region. 




Copyright 2017 International Journal of Economic Matters, IJOEM, All rights reserved 



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